Giving back to our community


Giving back to our community

At RPN, we believe that small businesses are the heartbeat of our neighbourhood, the spine of our local economy, and the spirit of our town. And living in this great country of Australia, we believe that everyone deserves a fair go. 

You see, our business is not just about making a profit, but it is also a social enterprise[MMP1] . We are passionate about investing in and improving our communities by helping small businesses get a “leg up” in this ever-changing world. 

Why we are doing this

The pandemic has brought so many challenges with extended lockdowns forcing many businesses to close. Small businesses have suffered the most during this time as they could no longer afford to rent space out to meet their business needs. Many have taken to social media and conducted their business online with minimal contact. But now that we are slowly going back to our “new normal”, many small businesses lack the space or the funds to rent facilities to use for their business.  

Having successfully operated for over 20 years, we understand the many challenges small businesses face, so we want to give back to the community in whatever way we can. In the Philippines, the word we use for giving back to the community is “Bayanihan”. It is a word that describes a system of community help and concern where people work together for the common good. It’s not a concept unique to the Philippines but comes in many forms all over the world, wherever the spirit of brotherhood exists. We want to go back to our roots and live out our company values in a practical way by reaching out to our local businesses, to anyone who might need our help.  

What we offer

We are launching a new initiative to partner with small businesses in our community. Starting in June, eligible small businesses can use part of our office space for their use, to sell their products, or promote their business to the community. We want to give struggling small businesses a leg up by providing a commercial shop as a way to help them achieve their dreams.

How does it work?

Here’s how our social cooperative will work:

  1. if you are a small business conducting your business online, 
  2. and you have products or services to sell, 
  3. and you don’t have premises you can use for selling or conducting your business

Then you can book a space in RPN’s office in Rooty Hill for a set time every Saturday, FOR FREE.

We will allow eligible small businesses to book our space for 3 hours every Saturday for 3 months, to conduct their business. For example: 

  • if you are a catering business and you need someplace for your customers to pick up orders, or
  • if you are an accountant and you need an office space where you can meet your clients, or
  • if you sell products such as candles or jewellery and you’d like to open a pop-up store using our premises

Then you may be eligible to take up this offer.* 

What is the cost?

Free! There is no cost to you. There is no catch. We just want to help our fellow small business owners because we know how tough it can be to get your business off the ground, particularly in this post-covid world. 

What’s in it for you?

We will promote your business on our socials for the dates and times you will be using our premises. In this way, our social media followers will get to know your business and your social media followers will get to know RPN. It’s a win-win. 

What do I have to do?

We only ask two things from you: 

Follow our Instagram account @rpnglobalsales and Facebook account @rpnrealestate and we will follow you back.

Let your followers/customers know the dates and times you’re available at our office. We will also promote your business to our followers at the date and time you’re at our office.

In this way, we help each other grow our audience and increase our reach. 


For more information, contact us on 0430 625 254 or send us a DM at our Instagram account @rpnglobalsales or Facebook @rpnrealestate.

* Terms and conditions apply and RPN Global Sales reserves the right to screen potential applicants for this social cooperative.

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